If you value Exeter’s rich history and share our belief in the essential role it plays in our community, we invite you to remain a Pillar of the Exeter Historical Society and provide the critical support necessary to collect, preserve & share the history of Exeter now and for generations to come.

We encourage you to become a sustaining donor by setting up a monthly recurring donation by credit card. 

Throughout history, pillars have propped up our community by providing critical support through leadership & service. 

The yearly budget of the Exeter Historical Society is entirely met by private support – membership and annual  donations – to keep our doors open. Our members provide the foundation, but we need the Pillars – a group of philanthropic individuals who go above and beyond membership by contributing at least $1,200 per year – to give us the sustained financial support to fulfill our mission of collecting and preserving Exeter’s history, and sharing it far and wide through education and programming.

We invite you to remain a Pillar of the Exeter Historical Society.

You can REMAIN a Pillar through a $1,200 Merrill membership (paid either once a year or with monthly payments of $100) — or with any combination of membership and donation.

This can be accomplished here, on our website (or by mail).

by mail, or through your financial advisor. If you would prefer to donate by check, mail your donation to:

Exeter Historical Society
PO Box 924
Exeter, NH 03833

Thank you for your support!