Invest in Exeter's future by preserving its past.


Since 1928, the Exeter Historical Society has been collecting artifacts
from Exeter’s past ... and its present.



Support us by making a gift to our Exeter History Fund

Read the red-lined proposed by-laws prior to the vote at our annual meeting, May 6th.

Our new Exeter History Minute

see our 2024-25 programs — our next program is April 1st. Join us to learn about Prof. James Tufts.

Watch some of our past programs

Join us for community night at Ore Nell’s Barbecue on March 20th from 4 - 9PM.

Our sponsors allow us to fulfill our mission. Support them and support local history!

Check out the Latest Exeter History Minute to learn about the history of ice cutting.

Our 2025 Exeter Historical Society calendar is chock-full of beautiful historic photos of the town of Exeter, New Hampshire, and is available now! (Members receive a complimentary calendar.)

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